Really? Grandia 2 only took me like 20hours, I thought it was a little ridiculously short.
I wouldn't mind playing Grandia eXtreme though, but not seen it in the shops. Grandia 3 is looking sweeeeet ^_^
Most games I prefer to play, seem to be relatively 20hours long.
While I'm not opposed to certain games being long, and I'm against a game being too short, sometimes there is a 'just-right' cut off point.
Resident Evil 4 for example, was perfect.
It wasn't too long it got boring, and it wasn't too short you felt it was rushed.. You always need to try and look at the projected gameplay in terms of 'how will we keep the users interest?'
Tale of Symphonia was another one, that I felt was just right. Took me 38hrs to complete, which seems long but the story kept pushing me forward making me feel like I wanted to find out what was next and the game as a whole didn't feel long; but then it certainly didn't feel short.
The Final Fantasies on the other hand, after a while get kinda boring and samey. FF7 & 8 had be bored for months when I got near the end.. cause I tend to play all games straight-through, but for FF you do this and at the end you have to level up for ages just to beat the boss, despite the rest of the game being easy. FF9 on the other hand they got it right because I could just play only battling in the story and everything would be at levels according to mine.