you know... too many people say, it is the parents this parents that. Read, learn, infer. The parents have a very small influnce over the child. The child will do what the child want's and wont give a sh** about what the parent says.
Now for something else for you to consiter. Children are not blank slates when born. You can not shape their personality just by subjecting them to the "propper" things. There is the "peer pressure" issue, but those aren't the situations that shape you. It is when you do something diffrent that it actually affects you. This is the reason that old people don't seem to remeber yesterday. (I can't site the articles, just bear with)
Now even if you have the parent with the child 24/7 you get another syndrom that will cause the reverse behavior then the one you are trying to impose on the child. Being around too much amplifys qualitys you dislike, turns you into a sort of rebellious nature. Even if you managed to perficly time it all you wouldn't get a perfect result. If you censor her life, then she will be secluded from everything else.
In the end run, you need to just let kids be kids, grow like kids, and live to be better. You can start by admiting to your child that yes, I did get in trouble, I did smoke pot, I was a Hippie. Hiding truths is one step to obstructing your childs development. You are NOT a perfect role model, do not try to pressure your child into thinking that they are different because unlike "normal" people they get into trouble. And "Normal" people don't get into trouble.
Now. As for music influencing bad behavior, does learning self defense turn people into bullies? (Okay, it can go either way)
Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.