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3 Dimensional Chat / 'Seamless' animation

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Joined: 24th Nov 2002
Location: Switzerland
Posted: 12th Feb 2003 20:55
I have created an animated model in MilkShape of a walking guy. However there is not a smooth transition between the start of the animation and the end (in other words: you can see when it loops the animation again). Is there some way to make the animation 'seamless'.

Hope you understood that, Thanks for any help!
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Joined: 26th Oct 2002
Location: Finland
Posted: 12th Feb 2003 21:59
I dunno about Milkshape... but basically you just need to set last key's all properties and data to same as first key

so.. Im not is there way to do this is Milkshape but this is what I do in Max: just clone first key and drag it to last frame, replacing old one


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Posted: 12th Feb 2003 22:54
I think...if you do this, the animation pauses because its showing the same frame twice though.
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 12th Feb 2003 23:57
basically DBGuy has this right... but only partly.
Add an extra frame to the end of the animation and copy the first keyframe, backup a frame and set keyframe - then set the frames to the original length (^_^)

et voila smooth looping

its used all the time for any kinda of animation you do, 3D, 2D, etc

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