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Geek Culture / Sits in the corner and cries

Brice Manuel
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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 21:44
I was really hoping to order DBPro this month and pay for it out of my Army disability which hits the first of each month. I came so VERY close. I only have $80 to spare and I am $20 short

I qualify for the upgrade price, however as many know the original CD version (the limited Edition 1.0) did NOT come with a manual, so I cannot use that as proof of purchase. I am sure I could contact Lee and he could vouch that I did indeed purchase it as we had trouble with ShareIt with my order and Lee ended up sending me DB for free until ShareIt got the mess they made on my credit card straightened out and then I sent ShareIt a money order. However, Lee does have better things to do.

It is possible that I may have the email receipt from ShareIt, however I would have to use notepad to sift through the 20MB AOL database file for that email account, and even then, it would really be knackered.

Grrr... So close, but yet so far. With next month (November) and then December's pay going mainly for Christmas presents I may have to wait until January or February to order

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Oct 2002 21:56
Aww... Ya know I'd give you my copy, but I don't have one
waiting for the UK Release. might seem dumb, but i like getting things from home

In the mean time, download the demo and have fun
Look at it this way, atleast the version you get will be fixxed some more

Oki thats probably the official reason i'm waiting for the UK version - hehee - feel that the rush to make everyone happy with the US release ment more bugs than were actually wanted, and from what i gather the gang wants the home crowd to get a better version

... Hey you mind if i hijack your post?
Wanna find something out, the DarkBasicProCompiler.exe is the compiler right? but what are the file options on it?
Just wondering because there is a combined DB/DBpro IDE in development, something I've asked a friend to make for me - and it was something that was buggin me to know

"For the Greater Good"...
Kyi'Aun (Jedi Master) Rai'Ka
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2002 02:30
UK release? You mean in the shops? I got mine a day or two after initial shipments, and was shipped straight from UK (well, since it was written a couple of hours up the road, I thought it would be quick).

Oh yeah, and going on for 3 weeks now without taking the CD out of the box


I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2002 03:08
I figure this will be like last time, because DB wasn't on official UK release for almost 3months after the states (might have been even longer)

And the actual shops displaying it were few and far between for a good while... it did seem kinda odd that the publisher which is a stones throw from my old local Game and EB (which is now also a Game - don't ask) didn't have it for a good 6months.
Bought my first copy direct from Fast Trak, literally went over there and hung out in the lobby until they found me a copy
However a friend "borrowed" it and i've never seen either since... so i got it from along with DarkMatter

From what i know (and have been told) it currently is on US release only from RGT, however Amazon has it and a few other places. I think it'll be better to wait, perhaps this time the IDE will be changed to accept Colour and Normalisation and such - its a HUGE pain to have to americanize everything i write when i code. Find i get syntax errors all over the place

Ya know it wouldn't really take a great deal to edit that niether... I dunno
Oh well, I've actually wondering recently about making of functions for DBpro.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2002 03:17
Hmmm, dunno, never actually saw it in the shops. Only saw DIV, then thanks to a link in their forum bought DB online.

Quite suprising was in US shops before UK since it is a UK product, but then probably something to do with publishers mucking around or something.

Oh yeah, and isn't EB actually owned (and changed name to) by GAME now?

Here's my guess though : you will see DBP in the shops when the forum starts actually producing games/demos. ie. when it looks like people can use the language successfully, and is looking more stable. Or perhaps just before this, thanks to impatient publisher.


I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Oct 2002 17:51
yeah EB has gradually been bought out by Game over the last 5years
Mwhahaa the US software retail giant is now under UK control!!

Ahem, not sure what came over me there
well anyways, they've fronted the EB name until like last January i think - atleast UK side, in the US they're still called EB. But if you look at the reward card statment says owned by Game Ltd. or something like that.

I kinda like my new reward card for them, now accepted in as many countries as Mastercard hahaa
Its pretty cool thou, nice to see a UK company finally making it into the big leagues like that, i mean walmart now own bloody ASDA!! i mean you couldn't get an older home grown store ... was in one a few weeks ago when i went home and it was like :o
the whole place was now more americanised - they're taking over i swear!!

[b] New interactive driving system... i like my new blue and black steering wheel [b]
Rob K
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Posted: 6th Oct 2002 18:40
Brice, I just sent DBS my jewel case insert from the DB CD case.

what is a signature?

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