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3 Dimensional Chat / Milkshape, materials and DBpro

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Joined: 13th Feb 2003
Location: Iceland
Posted: 14th Feb 2003 02:05
Greetings all.

I'm using Milkshape to create my models for the retro gaming competiton. The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to export my models with materials to DBPro (using .x format). Does DBPro support this or am I just not "seeing the light"?
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Joined: 13th Feb 2003
Location: Iceland
Posted: 14th Feb 2003 02:29
An update.

I figured out what was wrong. Seems that I was using a .bmp file as a texture, and dbpro wasn't quite happy about that. Converted the texture file to JPG and presto, the material works...sorta. I defined the texture as a spheremap, not quite working....any takers?

Also, it seems that the scale in milkshape and dbpro isn't quite the same...that is 1 unit in dbpro is alot bugger than a unit in milkshape....or is there a scaling option somewhere in the export that I'm missing???

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