It sucks and thats about all I remember. The US has the worst education system I know of. In my particular school, you can pass with a 40% test average. The grading goes tests = 50%, classwork = 25% and homework (which should never be needed)= 25%. So you can have a 40 test average, 100 classwork, and 100 homework and pass with a 70
And you use your book for the classwork and homework
The only grades that should matter are the tests IMO. There are 2 different courses you can take in our high school. Vocational or College Prep.
Grade 9 = algebra1 minimum math, language arts(english/gram.), biology min science, world studies (social studies), 1 elective, and health & physical fitness.
Gr.10 = geometry min math, language arts(english/gram.), physical science min science, world studies (social studies), and 2 electives.
Gr.11 = applied math 1 min math, language arts(english/gram.), ecology min science, world studies (social studies), and 2 electives.
Gr.12 = make up any maths, social studies, sciences, and or language arts you failed plus another language arts. Any free time you have left can be used to get out of school early for work or you have to take more electives.
College Prep is pretty much the same except with higher math and science mins and 1 of your electives has to be a foreign lang.
They also have early release programs (much like prison) where you can go to a college or technical shcool for your 12th grade and get credit for both (like I did).
As you will notice, I barely passed language arts with a min 70 average shortly afterwards forgetting most of what I learned including spelling, as I am a math and science man
Nobody around here speaks englsih hardly anyway let alone perfect english.