i'm making a game with some explosions in it.
but i don't want the same explosion over and over again.
so i made a little code but it doesn't work properly.
load sound "explosion1.wav",1
load sound "explosion2.wav",2
load sound "explosion3.wav",3
load sound "explosion4.wav",4
if object hit(2,3)
play sound rnd(4)
when i hit object 3 for the fourth time it say's:
runtime error 3001 - sound number illegal at line x
i think it's becouse the rnd(value) command uses value's between 0 and (value) and i don't have a sound with the value 0.
So how can i fix this problem?
Specs: AMD Athlon 1800, 256 DDRRam 266mhz, 10GB HD, Riva TNT2 Ultra 32mb