Quote: "It's like anything else, if you have a good password using numbers, letters, punctuation, etc. then your WEP key will be hella impossible to guess."
you can get programs that actually decrypt the signal, it's just a matter of minutes to about an hour before you are in...
the FBI has proved that they can crack any WEP encryption in under 5minutes.
I haven't ever looked into it at all, but there are some other encryption methods, WAP i believe is one (cant remember, my router supports 2 or 3, but i'm too lazy to care)
But i'm not saying that it is USELESS to have a WEP, because it IS a sign to your neighbors that you don't want them in (like my brother's neighbor put a key on after he noticed my brother using it, so he's not going to go any further) and typical Joe wardriver is just going to go patrolling around until he does find an open spot.
"people who wear clothing with tech themes for the purpose of gaining a social label are no different than teenagers who wear large sweatpants to look edgy"
-Wikipedia "Nerd"