Well I got one but is somewhere on one of the many backups on CD of FPSC I have.
I have not used or had FPSC EA installed since starting BETA testing and have spent the last couple of months doing that alone -so all the maps I had previously made with EA are filed away.
Now that BETA testing is over and I have a final RC3 version of FPSC which I am about to put through its paces I will be also testing out the possibility of re-openeing my previous EA developments in this version in an attempt to prepare the compatibility of my previous game development stuff for use in V1. (wish me luck I will need it)
In any case the script file needed would not be difficult for you to make up.
You need make a simple script file with a player proximity command and loop (3D) sound command - thats all it needs really. If you look at default script files for entities that have those commands included - you can cut and paste the sections you need out and place them in your new sound object control file.
Door and switch script files should contain all the info you need, The only addition you would need is to find the exact actual play 3D sound command from the manual and replace or amend the one copied from a door sound one say - which would not be relative to 3D sound. Then you end up with a true 3D sound which works on player proximity and loops to your specification...or thats the theory anyway.
Works for me as Lee would say.
If I find the script (my one) I will let you have it.