Until TGC make it possible for characters (engine) to recongnise that they belong to a specific group then its going to be very difficult to achieve proper group communications across the board.
Such a group recognition or team mebership is the basis for all else that could then be done for creating friendly groups, enemy groups, teams and so on.
With such a feature all kinds of possibilities are opened up for characters attacking or helping all kinds of other characters or even applying to machines which could call upon the same feature set. e.g. turrets.
One entity whatever it might be could be friendly or not to any other entity.
Additionally other commands to include recognition of another group members entities health amount would extend greatly the gameplay scenario so that both enemies and friendly characters could move to aid another group member or in the case of an enemy v player group could be used to also stay away if an entity was strong (attack when weak) what possibilities!
As with many other features such a group communications one can be a considerable undertaking covering a small or large range of functions dependant upon how advanced the feature is to be.
Certainly a basic group recognition that would allow one group to target another at least would provide a necessary basis for futher development.