I have a older computer running Xandros Linux, and I have a few questions for anyone here who knows how to use linux:
1) setting the default web Broswer: For some reason, Mozilla was installed as the default browser, and i much prefer Firefox to Moz. I can download and install it, but Moz is still the default, anyone tell me how to change that? (i'm a newb, so be as specific as possible
2) I installed the movie editor thingy called Jahshaka, and it's installed just fine, so i try to run it, so i open the command line and type "jahshaka" and hit enter, and the loading screen pops up, then when it finishes loading, nothing happens.
Is this a problem with the way i'm trying to run it? do i have to pass commands into it using the command line ( "jashaka -w" or something like that)
3) Cedega: I found this program earlier, and I found a site that i could download it from, but how do i use it and everything? anyone know of a guide of some sort that will show me how to install and run my games?
thanks for any help i might get
Eat some of dat cheese