Greetings to all...thanx to all who have helped...
Is there a max on the number of lines of code that can go into a program (including empty(space) and REM lines)...??
I have ran into a problem where the copy operation is unable to perform...
My program is over 1k lines...
Is it possible that I'm copying from pg2 to pg1 of the editor...possible editor buffer to full??
Is it mem system mem buffer to full??
I have done the copy chunk at a time...
(25 lines of 75 at a time)
Problem cleared...and was able to copy large chunks...
(75 of 75 lines)...
Has anyone else experienced this phenom...??
I'm programming on a laptop...Toshiba Satellite...yr 2000 model...(might be the problem??)
I'm trying to move to much with the copy operation...??
I don't understand what may have caused the problem...
*If I hit the problem again...I'll move smaller chunks...
but would like to know if this is common to all...or is specific to the environment I'm working with...??* many others are running DB on a laptop...
and as well...if it is advisable to do so...??
Last Question (Hurrah!)...after I did the small chunk copy/paste...I was able to C/P a larger seemed as if DB (opened-created-allowed?) another *page?* allow a larger C/P operation(more lines of code)...does this sound correct...??
No rush on response...just post whenever possible...
(I know you pros are programming too...
take care all!
Mr. Duck...
- useless (my game) information prattle after this -
Note: The program is an RPG...both gender roles(26/2)total...web interactive after 1st 10 scenarios played(levels) reload of save file after character death (on character death last saved is deleted from game and system)...1 save file before, during, and after play (save file is overwritten on each save command)...
Happy progging...
DarkBASIC is some really awesome software...glad I found it on that 'Ask Jeeves' (*search was for* = 3D Game Creator Software for Download)site...
I purchased their 'Mega-Pak' product offer...have never regretted it for an instant...