I've found the convertor to be very temperamental until patch 3.1.
Then I got it to compile maps fine, but there were wierd things going on with textures.
Now, after a computer rebuild (no different drivers or anything), it works fine!
I suggest you do the following:
1) Make a simple map consisting of 1 room (4 walls, BSP levels have to be completely enclosed and have no overlapping objects), 1 texture.
2) Export this to .x
3) Copy .x (not _lm.x) file & texture to Tools folder. (.../Dark Basic Professional / Tools) and run start.exe in tools folder.
4) Select map and click compile.
If you get any errors, then see if:
- Does your map contain curved surfaces? I've found only boxes and wedges can be used
- Are any faces individually textures? I've found it crashes if I use that feature
- Are there any overlapping edges? This can cause it to crash
- If the world completely enclosed? This can cause it to crash too
- Are the map .x and all textures in the same folder as start.exe?
Visit [url]www.lightning-systems.co.uk[/url]
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