heres a litle function i built to animate your character and stop him when you let off the key.
obplay#= object playing(3)
`stop character if key is realeased
if keystate(17)=0
if obplay# =1
stop object 3
`if key is press and object is playing continue with loop
if obplay# =1
gosub obplay:
`play object
if keystate(17)=1
play object 3,72,96
make sure this is in your loop cameraon using w for movement
i sugges using it as a function in your program
to do that just ad somthing like this
function blah()
put code here
that function goes outside of loop to us eit in your program just type blah() that must be in loop
for the text above head
center text object screen x(3),object screen y(3),("goblin:")+("level 1")
where the 3 is the enemy or character object number
cameron you need a coder for your website? im pretty good would be willing to help you. u can reach me by email or yahoo msnger
and i completely agree with time splitter you really need to study this code or youll be up the creek without a paddle when the time comes
A child's dream never dies.