We're planning to create a fantasy RPG, but still pretty much in the planning stage right now.
As one of the gameplay designers, I'm making a sort of a "market analysis" for our team. We do have several ideas on our own but I'd like to get an opinion from the majority. So if you have the time, please give your two-cents worth on the following quetions:
1. What kind of battle system do you like/love in an RPG?
-An AI-based system where you can command characters on what they should do next, but essentially letting the AI do the work. E.g., Baldur's Gate, Planescape, Knights of the Old Republic
-A menu-based system where when characters act one by one and you get menus to select actions. E.g., Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings The Third Age
-A button-press system where each press/click of a button allows a certain attack or action. It usually allows you control of one character at a time but you can swap on the fly (while the others have their own AI). E.g., Diablo, Sudeki, a bit of Chrono Cross
2. Do you like mouse-click movement or button-based?
3. {removed by moderator}-hope you understand why.
For those who would hopefully answer, thank you very much!
We'll put your name in the credits when we finish it!