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3 Dimensional Chat / I have a lot of aliasing ?!

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Joined: 7th Feb 2003
Posted: 20th Feb 2003 18:21
does anybody know if it exists some filters to apply
to avoid aliasing in 3D rendering with dbpro ?

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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 20th Feb 2003 20:09
You are probably in full screen windows mode. Clcik the 'Settings' button on the bottom right of the editor, and choose 'full screen exclusive mode'

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Joined: 7th Feb 2003
Posted: 21st Feb 2003 10:30
I didn't know before, but I was in full screen exclusive mode by chance...
I have a lot of aliasing yet ! I spoke about a special filter function to apply to reduce aliasing even if
my fps falls down...
thanks !

Van B
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Posted: 21st Feb 2003 13:30
Well, when you get, or load an image in DBPro, it automatically AA's it - but specifying a ',1' at the end of a GET IMAGE or LOAD IMAGE, means it's loaded and displayed without the excessive AA. This would only apply to your textures, and only to your manually textured objects - but I use the ',1' all the time - makes things much sharper.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2003 14:37
I think if your 3d card supports FAA(fullscreen AA) you just need to enable it in the advanced dislay properties or something like that.

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