Yet again, I need help..(surprise??)
rem Make the wall and floor objects into static objects (for auto-camera collision)
for t=1 to 5
make static object t
objx#=object position x(t)
objy#=object position y(t)
objz#=object position z(t)
objsx#=object size x(t)/2.0
objsy#=object size y(t)/2.0
objsz#=object size z(t)/2.0
make static collision box objx#-objsx#,objy#-objsy#,objz#-objsz#,objx#+objsx#,objy#+objsy#,objz#+objsz#
delete object t
next t
How can I transform that to use BSP?
.. Do I also have to change my object collision code?
Thnx for the help.
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