Quote: "Conditions list"
These are the condition words, which will perform actions if all are true:
NEVER is never true
ALWAYS is always true
STATE=X is true when the value stored in the FPI script is equal to X
RANDOM=X is true when a random value between 0 and X is equal to one
HEALTH=X is true when health equals X
HEALTHLESS=X is true when the health is less than X
QUANTITY=X is true when quantity is equal to X
SPEED=X is true when speed is equal to X
ASSOCIATED=X is true when entity has been associated with player (lift)
PLRDISTWITHIN=X is true when player is within X units
PLRDISTFURTHER=X is true when player is further than X units
PLRALIVE=X is true when player is alive and X is one
PLRHIGHER=X is true when player is X units higher than entity
PLRELEVWITHIN=X is true when player can be seen within X degrees vertical
PLRELEVFURTHER=X is true when player cannot be seen X degrees vertical
ANYWITHIN=X is true when any other entity moves within X quarter tiles
ANYFURTHER=X is true when no within X quarter tiles
PLRCANBESEEN is true when player can be seen
PLRCANNOTBESEEN is true when player cannot be seen
PLRHASKEY=X is true when player has pressed the key denoted by the value X
PLRUSINGACTION=X is true when player performs the USE action
SHOTDAMAGE=X is true when damage taken exceeds the value X
IFWEAPON=X is true when the weapon being used by entity is ready and X is
ACTIVATED=X is true when the activation value of the entity equals X
PLRWITHINZONE is true when player is within the trigger zone
ENTITYWITHINZONE is true when an entity is within the trigger zone
PLRINGUNSIGHT=X is true when an entity has the player is gun sights
NEARACTIVATABLE=X is true when entity is being near activated
NEWWEAPONCANBESEEN=X is true when the entity can see a better weapon
NOISEHEARD=X is true when the entity hears a broadcast noise from scene
RAYCAST=X Y is true when the raycast hits something in front from X to Y
RAYCASTUP=X is true when the raycast hits something above from X to Y units
RAYCASTBACK=X is true when the raycast hits something back from X to Y units
FRAMEATEND=X is true when animation X is at an end
FRAMEATSTART=X is true when animation X is at the beginning
FRAMEWITHIN=X Y is true when animation X is within frame Y
FRAMEBEYOND=X Y is true when animation X is beyond frame Y
ANIMATIONOVER=X is true when animation X is complete
ALPHAFADEEQUAL=X is true when the alpha value equals X
REACHTARGET=X is true when the entity has reached its target
LOSETARGET=X is true when the entity has got stuck after X attempts
HEADANGLEGREATER=X is true when the angle of the head is greater than X
HEADANGLELESS=X is true when the angle of the head is less than X
WAYPOINTSTATE=X is true when the waypoint state value equals X.
State 0 means the entity has not yet started following
State 1 means the entity is looking for the nearest waypoint
marker to start from
State 2 means the entity is following a waypoint line to its
current waypoint marker
State 3 means the entity has reached the waypoint marker and
needs to decide what to do
State 4 means the entity has reached the waypoint marker and
it splits off in more than one other direction
State 5 means the entity has reached the very end of the
current waypoint structure and requires a decision to be made.
A state of 999 means the entity has been placed in zero-
waypoint mode where the entity simply ignores waypoints.
IFMARKER=X is true when there is a marker previously dropped by entity in
IFPLRTRAIL=X is true when there is a trail left by the player in existence
HUDSELECTIONMADE=X is true when the user has clicked HUD button X
TIMERGREATER=X is true when the internal FPI timer exceeds X in milliseconds
ESCAPEKEYPRESSED=X is true when the Escape Key has been pressed
PLRHEALTHLESS=X is true when the players health falls below X
PLRHEALTHGREATER=X is true when the players health is greater than X
ANYWITHIN=X is true when any entity is closer than X to it
ANYFURTHER=X is true when any entity is further than X from it
CANTAKE is true if the entity can be collected by player
ANYWITHINZONE is true when any entity is within its zone
NORAYCASTUP=X Y is true when no collision upwards X to Y
HUDEDITDONE=X is true when ‘editable’ HUD item X is used
HUDHAVENAME is true when no player-name has been entered
Quote: "Actions list"
NONE no action
DESTROY destroy entity
SUSPEND disable the entity permanently, and keep it visible
RUNFPIDEFAULT=X run a default FPI script by value X (0-init,1-main,2-end)
RUNFPI=X run another FPI script by name X(ie appear1.fpi)
STATE=X sets the value of the internal variable State to X
MOVEUP=X moves the entity up by X units
MOVEFORE=X moves the entity forward by X units
MOVEBACK=X move the entity back by X units
FREEZE=X stop entity from moving
ROTATEY=X set the entity angle around the Y axis for X degrees
ROTATEIY=X rotate the entity around the Y axis incrementally for X degrees
ROTATETOPLR rotate the entity to face the player
RESETHEAD reset the angle of the head if the entity has one
ROTATEHEAD=X rotate the head of the entity by X degrees
ROTATEHEADRANDOM=X rotate the head of the entity at random by X degrees
FORCEBACK=X apply a force to the entity by a factor of X backwards
FORCEFORE=X apply a force to the entity by a factor of X forwards
FORCELEFT=X apply a force to the entity by a factor of X left
FORCERIGHT=X apply a force to the entity by a factor of X right
FORCEBOUNCE=X apply a force to the entity to cause it to bounce back by X
SPINRATE=X spin the entity around the Y axis at a rate of X
FLOATRATE=X cause the entity to float in the air at a hover rate of X
SETFRAME=X set animation X start frame
INCFRAME=X increment another frame in animation X
DECFRAME=X decrement another frame in animation X
ANIMATE=X automatically play animation X.
In regards to characters provided, there are a number of
animations built in which can be played
PLRASS=X associate this entity with the player (lift)
PLRNOASS=X disassociate this entity from the player
PLRMOVEUP=X move the player up by X units
PLRMOVEDOWN=X move the player up by X units
PLRMOVEEAST=X move the player east by X units
PLRMOVEWEST=X move the player west by X units
PLRMOVENORTH=X move the player north by X units
PLRMOVESOUTH=X move the player south by X units
PLRMOVETO=X move the player to a new location described by entity name X
PLRMOVEIFUSED=X if player performs the USE action, move the player as above
ACTIVATEIFUSED=X activate entity described in IFUSED property
ACTIVATEIFUSEDNEAR=X activate entity described in IFUSED and near it
ACTIVATETARGET=X activates the entity previously marked as the target with X
ACTIVATE=X activate this entity using the value X
ACTIVATEALLINZONE=X activate all the entities within the trigger zone with X
PLRADDHEALTH=X adds X points to the players health
SETTARGET sets the internal target for the entity, follows ‘target’ conditions
ROTATETOTARGET rotate the entity to face the target
LOOKATTARGET rotate the head of the entity to face the target
MOVETOTARGET moves to the target
COLLECTTARGET if the target is a collectable, collect the target if close
CHOOSESTRAFE randomly selects a strafe direction (ie left/right/forward)
STRAFE perform the previously chosen strafe to avoid player shots
PIVOTRANDOM=X randomly pivots around to face another direction by X degrees
LOOKATPLR=X look directly at the player even if the player cannot be seen
SOUND=X plays a sound specified by the X filename. Use $0 to specify
3DSOUND=X plays a 3D sound specified by the X filename. Use $0 for
LOOPSOUND=X loops a 3D sound specified by the X filename.
ALTTEXTURE=X set the texture used based on X being either zero or one
SETALPHAFADE=X set the alpha value to X which causes entity transparency
INCALPHAFADE=X increment the alpha fade, X being the destination
DECALPHAFADE=X decrement the alpha fade, X being the destination
RUNDECAL=X create a decal from the entity, X being a specific mode 1-6
WAYPOINTSTART instructs the entity to find the closest waypoint
WAYPOINTSTOP stops the entity following waypoints
WAYPOINTREVERSE makes the entity reverse course and go the other way
WAYPOINTNEXT instructs the entity to find the next waypoint
WAYPOINTPREV instructs the entity to find the previous waypoint
WAYPOINTRANDOM instructs the entity choose a random waypoint direction
DROPMARKER drops a marker the entity can later return to
NEXTMARKER instructs the entity to go to the last dropped marker
RESETMARKERS resets all markers dropped by this entity
FOLLOWPLR follows the players trail if one exists
PLRTAKE used to add an entity to the players inventory and acquire its
PLRDROP used to drop an item from the players inventory
SHOOTPLR runs the internal FPI script SHOOT specified in character
USEWEAPON fires any weapon half by an entity in the direction of the target
RELOADWEAPON reloads the weapon from the entities stock of infinite ammo
COLOFF deactivate all player collision with this entity
COLON activate all player collision with this entity
ACTIVATE=X sets the activation value of the entity to X
AMBIENCE=X sets the overall ambient light level within the scene to X
AMBIENCERED=X sets the red component of the ambient light to X
AMBIENCEGREEN=X sets the green component of the ambient light to X
AMBIENCEBLUE=X sets the blue component of the ambient light to X
FOG=X sets the fog mode within the scene when X is one
FOGRED=X sets the red component of the fog to X
FOGGREEN=X sets the green component of the fog to X
FOGBLUE=X sets the blue component of the fog to X
SKY=X sets the skybox to the sky model specified by X filename
SKYSCROLL=X sets the sky scroll texture to the file specified by X filename
BACKDROP=X loads and pastes the screen backdrop using X filename
MUSIC=X loads and plays the WAV using X filename
MUSICVOLUME=X sets the music volume in the range of 0-100
LIGHTON=X lighton
LIGHTOFF=X lightoff
LIGHTRED=X lightred
LIGHTGREEN=X lightgreen
LIGHTBLUE=X lightblue
LIGHTRANGE=X lightrange
HUDRESET=X call this to reset the HUD creation system
HUDX=X sets the X position percentage of where you want your HUD
item to be
HUDY=X sets the Y position percentage of where you want your HUD
item to be
HUDZ=X sets the Z position percentage of where you want your HUD
item to be
HUDSIZEX=X sets the X size of your HUD item
HUDSIZEY=X sets the Y size of your HUD item
HUDSIZEZ=X sets the X size of your HUD item
HUDRED=X sets the red component of your HUD item
HUDGREEN=X sets the green component of your HUD item
HUDBLUE=X sets the blue component of your HUD item
HUDIMAGE=X sets the image filename of your HUD item
HUDFONT=X sets the font name of your HUD item
HUDSIZE=X sets the font size of your HUD item
HUDTEXT=X sets the text that will be used in place of no image of the HUD
HUDTYPE=X set the HUD type (1-lives,2-health,3-weapon)
HUDHIDE=X set X to the name of the HUD item to hide it
HUDSHOW=X set X to the name of the HUD item to reveal it
HUDUNSHOW=X set X to the name of the HUD item to un-hide it
HUDNAME=X set the name of the HUD item you are creating
HUDANIM=X set the filename X of the animation sequence (exclude #.TGA)
HUDMAKE=X when all HUD items set, use this action to finally create the HUD
NEWGAME=X trigger the running of a new game (typically from title page)
LOADGAME=X trigger the loading of a saved game
SAVEGAME=X trigger the saving of a current game
CONTINUEGAME=X continue game action issued to move onto the next page
QUITGAME=X trigger the current game to quit back to the title page
PAUSEGAME=X trigger the game to pause, and typically enter the game menu
RESUMEGAME=X trigger the game to resume, after previously being paused
TIMERSTART reset the FPI script timer to zero, allowing timing to take place
FLOORLOGIC=X if X is one, entity never leaves its Y position
INCSTATE=X increments the state variable by X
RUNFORE makes the entity move forward at a run
ADVFRAME=X advances the animation by X percent
SHAPEDECAL=X changes the decal mode to X for the entity
TRIGGERFORCE=X applies a force to the entity by a magnitude of X
SOUNDSCALE=X changes the 3D sound scale by percentage X
HUDIMAGEFINE=X loads the image for the HUD using high quality
HUDFADEOUT causes the HUD item to fade from the screen
HOSTGAME triggers a multiplayer game to be HOSTED
JOINGAME triggers a multiplayer game to be JOINED
REPEATGAME triggers a multiplayer game to repeat play
NOGRAVITY Switches off gravity for physics entity
ACTIVEALLINZONE Activates everything within entity zone
SPAWNON Switches on entity’s ability to spawn
SPAWNOFF Switcjes off entities ability to spawn
VIDEO Plays an animation file full screen once
Hope that helps