seems the bunnies infected a lot more people then anticipated. i feel bad for you all, but i injected myself with the last of the antidote leaving you all with nothing.
Yes.. i wont lie, you all are going to die a very horrible death.
It starts with the next poster on subject. Anything directed towards underlord, or this thread in general will be among the first to die.
but if ur just making a passing comment then its ok, that doesnt speed up the dieing process. unless it turns into another argument.
See the bunnies feed on anger and fear.
and they multiply.
So for every person you are rude to (since you are possibly infected)
it will spread to them, and they will be rude, and also die.
Save a life, Dont be rude/hateful/sarcastic past meaning/idiotic/etc
Beware the forum bunnies.