What the heck is that from MC?
Personally I find Dawn of War quite gorgeous to look at, and not even close to as demanding on the system as AoE III.
It's also far more playable imo... that said it's a different market, more aimed at the C&C market than AOE/Civilization markets.
Also found DoW is really what the hell C&C Generals should've been.
Not to say Generals was a bad game, but I never felt the need to play it all the way through. Unlike DoW where I have to literally tear myself away or clear my schedual for a day. ^_^
I can just about play it reasonably on my FX 5200, although I've give anything for the fillrate of the ultra edition. That was at the default settings.
Getting something like 20fps according to Fraps. When I switched off shaders it looks very boring... but got a nice steady 60fps heh
Of course this said my other machine runs it nicely, or it did until I updated to Windows 2003 again. Now it doesn't want to run.