1 • I'm afraid that's true here too, atleast from a selection of moderators. Once you learn who these particularly trigger happy one's are you can learn to ignore what they say.
imo if someone is a moderator, they should really leave thier own personal opinions at the door; or atleast learn not to get involved in disputes as often. At the heart of most flamebait posts in this forum is usually a Moderator joining in. This quite frankly isn't acceptable behaviour, and I hope over time they either grow up or are replaced with more responsible moderators.
We have longer standing moderators, are better overall moderators.
You will quickly learn who they are.
2 • Again, same here. Although most of the users who do these aren't the Seasoned/Vetran users, but more often are slightly longer staying newbies themselves.
Newbie isn't an unfriendly term in itself, it just means someone who is new and inexperienced. It's more the use of the word.
3 • Fact of life. Rules are there to protect the users and stop pointless posting, this forum over the past few months has had to become far more stict in it's rules and how it deals with users. If it hadn't then we would still be getting spates of DDoS, Spamfest, and images that are offensive being posted on here.
As forums get larger particularly with a company like TheGameCreators, you can expect immature users who feel that if they don't get what they want they can abuse the forum and it's users.