Thanks! I'm glad you like it, if you now in return create some cool every day human models for me, everyone is happy
Anyway, I'm looking at FPSC for creating some interactive enviroments. Don't need the shooting and such, but I just want the user to walk through a 3D enviroment. In it, he/she can interact (more like get info from) characters in this world. While the player moves around in the 3D enviroment, a story unfolds. But to get the complete picture, the player also has to 'play' simple games, like finding keys for doors. Since that is quite limited, I decided to try some stuff in FPSC, to make the gaming element more challeging.
So, this script set is the first I wanted to create as a test, who knows what else I come up with as soon as I decide to get the full version. There seems to be much more possible then hat you get with it and I love to exlore the puzzle and non shooting elements of the FPSC. Of course I'm keeping an eye on those who do bring these kind of elements into their game too. Love to see others creating scripts for this kind of non shooting game elements. Not sure how is possible though.....