Never, ever give up! NEVER!
Here's an example of DIVs for you:
Let's say that you're using a 10x10 tileset on a 10x10 map ( to make things easy for me ), your images are logically named, and you're using a top-left coordinate based system, then you'd set up something like:
/* Style info for the map itself */
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
overflow: hidden;
/* Basic info for images, will be over-written by inline styles */
position: relative;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
main php file:
<div id="map">
<!-- In here, you will have your actual map data. -->
<img src="grass.png" />
<!-- ... And so on for 100 tiles ( 10x10 map ), each one will be automatically placed, and wrapped to the next line as need be -->
<img src="player.png" style="position: absolute; top: <? echo $playerY; ?>px; left: <? echo $playerX; ?>px;" />
<!-- And repeat for all other 'over-layed' elements -->
I can't guaentee anything, but that should work, and would be a hell of a lot faster than using ugly tables
That's only my take on how I would go about it, and I'd say Nick's in a much better position to give good advice.
Whoah, ok, Nick posted whilst I was writting mine up. See what I mean? His is much sexier, he uses classes... Something I'd never used. I'm so noob