The Mole Game
Hello, today, October 23rd 2005, is Mole Day. Mole Day celebrates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23, commonly known as one unit mole), which is a measuring unit in chemistry.
You can get more info here:
In this game, you play the role of a mole, and you are presented with the challenge of digging up and finding all the elements necessary to form two compounds.
The Commentary
My chemistry teacher is crazy about this, and has us doing a bunch of little artsy projects in celebration of mole day, so to compensate for my lack of skill in handicrafts, I decided to sit down with some buddies and make a game. or the past 4 days we've been consuming massive amounts of Dr. Pepper, Brisk Iced Tea, Doritos, Pizza Hut and Milena's Pizza, Flaming Hot Cheetos, and lemonade to create this It's written in DBC and we used my GLOBAL and TAPE replacement console app I wrote a while ago, it was quite useful. The game is pretty ugly because except for the dirt texture we non-artist people made everything.
The Important Stuff:
You will be able to use your mole's powerful sniffing skills and be presented with the Sniff-O-Meter, which will tell you how close you are to the nearest thing stuck in the ground.
The Sniff-O-Meter cannot tell the difference between elements and dud blocks.
These dud blocks will have a variety of effects on gameplay.
-Score bonus
-Score penalty
-Sniff-O-Meter Temporarily Disabled
-Holes are filled
-You lose one element you've found
W and S move the mole forward and backward, A and D turn the mole left or right, and holding spacebar make the mole dig.
This game runs fairly smooth on my computer, so it's a cold day in the other place when it won't on yours.
The Broken Stuff:
I just realized I forgot to add a method of quitting to the main menu from within the game. You can just hit Esc for now. I'll throw that in right after I post this.
The mole's right leg looks really really weird. I just threw a bunch of spheres together in gameSpace, my art skills show here.
It needs some cool music, which I'm working on. Big band. Bari sax solo. Yes.
The Controls, High Scores, and Credits sections of the menu haven't been done yet. That should get done later this afternoon.
We made a particle effect for the mole digging in TDK's particle editor, but I forgot he hadn't put out any integration code yet. Going to try Hamish's and Kenmo's particle thing.
Looking at it, it probably needs a pretty skybox. To the DarkMattermobile!
Square holes are really weird. I'm going to add in more matrix coordinates to the digging function to round it out.
The Screenies:
Links to big 800x600 versions.
I'm going to eat you!