SS for ingame of the arena
the problem is whever i place a object even a primitive cube the cramera moves from its default location to the position of the cube. Not nessicarily a bad thing i want to make sure it starts at its default and only moves to a specified object not just object one, additionally i was to display the cordinates on the map so i can get the exact position to place the 4 arena posts temp objects but ATM i want to prevent the camera from lockign on to my temp loayer object im going to use to get the cordinates of the 4 posts.
rem --------
rem --------
rem include the MatEdit LoadMatrix files
#include "LoadMatrix.dba"
rem ------
rem ------
rem declare the MatEdit variables
Dim BigMatrix(600,600,1)
Dim StartLoc_X(1): Dim StartLoc_Z(1):Dim Info(2)
Dim TArrayX(1): Dim TArrayZ(1): Dim FKey(10,1)
Dim ColData(100): Dim ZoneData(100): Dim Tiles(500,500)
Dim OverTexture$(100): Dim OverName$(20): Dim ReplaceTex(100)
Dim MOffsetX(25): Dim MOffsetY(25)
Dim MWire(20): Dim MGhost(20): Dim Lock(20)
Dim MatX#(20): Dim MatY#(20): Dim MatZ#(20)
Dim MatWidth#(20): Dim MatHeight#(20)
Dim TilesX(20): Dim TilesZ(20)
Dim MatHi#(20): Dim MatLo#(20)
rem set up the program
sync on
sync rate 40
hide mouse
rem load the matrix
`set light properties
set ambient light 5
color ambient light RGB(255,255,255)
rem set cameral draw range
set camera range 1,50000
pitch camera down 60
rem ---------
rem ---------
rem the following is temporary. There will be more but it will made later
rem get keyboard input for movement
if upkey()=1 then move camera 300
if downkey()=1 then move camera -300
if leftkey()=1 then yrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle y()-10)
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle y()+10)
rem sort out the camera height
x#=camera position x()
z#=camera position z()
y#=get ground height(1,x#,z#)+24000
rem position the camera
position camera x#,y#,z#
rem update the screen