Anyone know how to get an entity which follows a path - circular for eamaple, (though it matters not really what for the path takes) to do just that and follow a path - in one direction without reversing its walk path?
It seems to me that apparently a path in which its last waypoint overlays the first and joins back on its start point (as would circular path rather than a straight line path of two points say) - the path itself is not cotinuous and unbroken but that the end and start points do not merge to form a single contiuous path. This seems to impose upon an entity following it to have no choice other than to reverse itself once the end waypoint is reached.
I have tried but have found no way to overcome this - I have not seen any waypoint/path command that will change this and if one tries edit a path script to remove the reverse command or otherwise achieve a continuous forward movement of a path entity it wont do so.
Anyone got a fix or know how - can it be done?
Your comments or help would be appreciated.