Thanks for testing it out spooky!
Quote: "entice knights to bottom left to tuen into coffin ... Looks like the idea should have been to move new coffin onto switch."
you were supposed to make them turn into a coffin somewhere near the valve thing, then push it onto that portal... but now that i go back and play that level it's not working like it used to (the knights are moving wrong)... so i'll have to look into that
Quote: "Would look better if level displayed on menu screen was in same place as level during game. Looks silly when it moves up and down."
Quote: "utilise left and right cursors to flip through finished levels, and the enter key to start level."
good point, i'll add those controls and change the position in the menu screen
thanks again for going through and seriously looking for ways to improve it, it's nice when people do that because sometimes i don't notice these things... i just get so used to doing it the way i programmed it that i don't notice that there are little annoying things that can easily be changed
lol, not sure how flynn is going to "see about them" when all the source code is at my house
(should i be looking over my shoulder now?)
[edit] oh, and i had issues with transparency in bmps (images using transparency showed up ugly on top of them...), but now that i don't use transparency with my menu images i'll see if i can change some of the bmps to pngs... i agree they do take up way too much space
(luckily they don't change download too much because WinRAR compresses them so easily)
"We make the worst games in the universe."