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Program Announcements / Possible retro competition entry

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2003 13:45
There were explosions there?

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2003 16:33
(^_^) well it was a geek fest... and they like to blow things up (god knows why)

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Posted: 3rd Apr 2003 18:34
Yeah, Bill Gates has invested billions in a device to keep him alive to reap the profits of windows 3000 Trillenium edition, only it all goes horribly wrong, companies contracted to complete the impossible machine had to lie and pretend in order to secure the contract, knowing full well the technology was lacking futuristic components no amount of money could buy.. and when Gates' guinea pigs emerge from it's vaults, they're horrible zombies, with a lust not for brains, but money. They're mooching around all ghastly in their suits, munching hors deuvres and chatting about xbox and directx 9.0, surely it's only a matter of time before they aquire a taste for brains?? So you better get in first, with your shotgun, enter the convention center and rid the world of these freaks, before it's too late!!!!

ZX Spectrum 48k Issue 3, Radio shack Tape drive, Rank arena 12" T.V. set.
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Posted: 30th Apr 2003 00:32
Any news here?

Andy Igoe
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Posted: 30th Apr 2003 00:45
He went to a Microsoft convention and was never seen again.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 30th Apr 2003 01:09
It's just that I'm in progress of doing my version of the.. ELITE

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Posted: 6th May 2003 13:47
I've sorta been caught up in other stuff like moving house. Combined with the fact that I've not really got my head around the AI routines, things have been a little slow-going. I'll hopefully get back into it next month.

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Posted: 6th May 2003 23:39
I put mine elite on hold, till I get DB Pro..
so as of now I'm writing another project I always wanted to write MW 1 like..

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Posted: 9th Jun 2003 03:09
Hmmm....I know it's an old post, but how far have you got now Glenny?

Seems quite a few people fancy having a go at Elite (myself for one) all wanting to make the version _they_ want to play, which is probably why there are so many separate projects going on (not a bad thing tho).
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Posted: 9th Jun 2003 16:53
I've put the project on hold until they finish writing DBPro. Then, if the DBPro patch 5 demo runs it like it should, without any wierd bugs that the current demo displays, we'll be in business. I'm not wasting time fighting bugs in an incomplete product, and DBC isn't fast enough for my fat-ass programming skills.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 11th Jun 2003 04:15
hmm... i hate it when people say they're waiting for a patch - oftenly means they'll forget all about the project.

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Andy Igoe
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Posted: 11th Jun 2003 17:43
Nah Raven, it normally meens that their program has bloated and slowed down onscreen and they hope a magic wand fixes it. Mostly it doesn't because the problem is more to do with sctructure or object handling within the game.

If that's the case here, I wish you'd post what your stuck on so we can give you some tips to overcome them, because I for one am really looking forward to seeing this game finished rather than just some nostalgic screenshot that brings a tear to my eye.

Don't make me write my own version, dammit boy!

Pneumatic Dryll
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 11th Jun 2003 17:55
Pneu i've seen so many projects say they're waiting for patch3 ... then patch4 ... now a few for patch5.
i don't think any which actually said they were waiting for patchs have continued so i'm not gonna hold my breath on this one

sorry but i just don't feel optimistic at the moment.

Within the Epic battle of the fates the Shadow and the Angel will meet. With it will harbinger the very fight of good vs evil!
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Posted: 12th Jun 2003 13:39
Congratulations man

You are doing what I started doing about a month ago. At the moment I have lots of structures (well arrays really) that manipulate the universe creation and the visual objects creation. I still have a lot of way to go. I have problem with my radar and it's reliability.

I am glad i didn't bump on your reported work in progress before I start because quite frankly I think you make a fantastic job for the 'best game ever made' Elite.

Right now the way I see it, you raised the standard higher than I could possibly imagine, your ideas and vision is very close to the ideas I have, thank god I have a different approach to the whole genre and the way I see Elite. Lets say I don't see it as a war.

Still I have to say I am very interested in any exe's or demos you have. well done

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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 14:08
Quote: "hmm... i hate it when people say they're waiting for a patch - oftenly means they'll forget all about the project."

Quote: "Nah Raven, it normally meens that their program has bloated and slowed down onscreen and they hope a magic wand fixes it."

Okay, fellas, little quick with the judgement. I'm waiting for the DBPro patch for the following reason: the free flight rotation commands don't work in the last demo I tried (ver 3.1), as well as several other, very odd bugs. I will try again when the next demo comes out. However, based on what I've seen of GAW running in DBPro, it would require a rewrite of a lot of the core routines and a lot of hard maths on my part to get it to work without relying on the free flight rotation commands. Believe it or not, it's far easier to... hmm... wait for the patch than to do that.

I am doing little bits here and there with what I've got in DBC. The code now links up the equipment and ship databases quite well, allowing for possible future AI expansion where computer players can actually buy and sell their own gear, just to lend some more authenticity to the universe. That kind of thing. And I must get around to making planets crash-into-able. But there's not a lot to see, so I'm shutting my mouth until I've got more to show you guys, rather than blabbing a load of empty hype which would (rightly) piss people off all the more when the results are slow in coming... ("Duke Nukem Forever is a 1999 game," -George Broussard). For all intents and purposes, however, until I sort out the issues I need to sort out, GAW is indeed "on hold" as far as the outside world is concerned, because y'all aren't gonna see anything new from where you're sitting, or hear much hyperbole from me. The game still looks the same, and plays the same, because the changes being made are "under the bonnet", and part of the groundwork for the AI (which I'm still scared of, btw). I appreciate all the encouragement this far guys, I really do, but I work at my own pace unless someone's paying me.

=C=: Your avatar is from Battle of the Planets. Respect.

Quote: "Right now the way I see it, you raised the standard higher than I could possibly imagine, your ideas and vision is very close to the ideas I have, thank god I have a different approach to the whole genre and the way I see Elite. Lets say I don't see it as a war."

Thank you, kind words indeed. Right now, I'm actually hoping that one or two other Elite clones will enter a continued development phase, where the authors release a few new features every few months. I rather like the idea of there being some friendly "feature competition" between rival clones because it'll keep everyone on their toes, and result in a more interesting game for the players, as well as some choice. I honestly look forward to seeing what you've got.

Quote: "Still I have to say I am very interested in any exe's or demos you have"

Same to you I've got a stable version of the game, and I hope to release a sort of demo quite soon, mainly so people can tell me what they think of the controls, but I'll also be interested in the "chug factor" of different specs.

Ian T
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Posted: 17th Jun 2003 07:05
Wow, and I missed this whole thread O_O.

This looks really amazing . Good luck!


Famous Fighting Furball
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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 19:09
Well, the bad news is that I'm porting GAW to a different language, so I guess there's not much point in me posting about it here anymore. The port is two-thirds complete (of the existing code, that is). The opportunity to rewrite the code from the ground up and use some of the features of the new language have meant that the game now runs at a slightly more blistering pace than it did before. 'Course, I won't know for sure until I get back to the level I was at before, which should be another couple of days. I've been able to port it really quickly because the overall game structure has been in my head so long.

Anyway, if anyone's actually still interested in following this project, post here and if there's enough interest I'll make an updates page on my webspace.

Thanks for your support thus far, mighty DB community.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Jul 2003 20:33
what language? and why?

if its because because of the YawPitchRoll problem i could show you howto do that in DB using the standard command, its quite simple really ... most here should be able to do it.

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 18:03 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2003 18:07
Quote: "what language?"

Quote: "and why?"

I prefer it's command set. And it seems pretty nippy. (No disrespect to DB intended, by the way).

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 18:11
really?... thats a Shame because Blitz3D runs like a slug through pigshit on my systems - it hates GeForce cards i'm afraid.

have fun with it, sorry but you've just kinda just lost my interest in this project.

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 18:59
Quote: "really?... thats a Shame because Blitz3D runs like a slug through pigshit on my systems - it hates GeForce cards i'm afraid.

Mighty odd. It certainly seems to like my GeForce card... And gets on surprisingly well with the very old the Intel 82810E integrated chipset, to my surprise. I wouldn't expect that from anything. Heh, even when 82810E was new...

Is that why it's lost your interest, then? Because it doesn't get on with your system(s)?

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 20:09
mostly yeah... if i can't play a game there isn't any point in following its development.

even on my GeForceFx and QuadroFx Blitz3D programs just run at stupid fps don't think i've ever got a blitz3d programming since p1.66 was released that has actually run at a decent speed on my systems.

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2003 20:30
That's just plain wierd. I've got it running nice and fast with my GeForce 4 Ti4200.

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