i dont think so UNLESS..
you could have somway to activate the explosion animation beacuase when you destroy an item with a script, it doesnt explode, it activates it destroy script. IM STUBID i guess you could write a script for destroy to activate explosion animation... The the trigger zone would activate the destry part...
theres a script somewere for mines, so if you want that, well there you go. But if you want somthing to blow up somewere else, you maight be able to wire it with rods and such, so when you step into trigger zone, it makes a supprot go away, causing thigs to fall, including a minbe, (the reason they explode is kinda becuase the tension is so high) so when it hit the ground boom?
i dont know, im just thinking out loud
dont assune cause u make an ass out of u and me