Is there somebody here who is willing to create me a website design and logo and possibly some icon sized images for a web hosting website
in exchange for a free professional web hosting account?
This is a DESIGN for a website and not a request for web hosting.
What Do I Need:
* A website design using HTML/CSS.
* A company logo.
* Possibly some icon sized images for use on the website...
What's In It For You:
100MB Space / 1Gb Transfer] >> Entire Year Free! OR
300MB Space / 3Gb Transfer] >> 6 Months Free!
Both accounts are professional web hosting accounts you would buy from any reputable web hosting company and come with CPanel, phpMyAdmin and everything else. More details are available on request:
YIM ME > joshcoleuk
These terms are negotiable. If you want to mix and match the jobs which I have listed please do.
I reserve the right to decide not to use a design or logo based on quality & quantity of work and restrict payment accordingly. Any material sent to me becomes my property upon receipt. No copyrighted material is to be used in said design.
I Thought You Already Sold Web Hosting?
Yes but a re-brand and change of host is needed. I also need cheap and reliable web hosting to support my major project; Coders Turf and to host