IC: He kind of has a point though... Allbeit a slightly harsh and bitter one.
You posted a site which is clearly not finished or polished yet. What exactly did you expect?
My advice for people who are starting out with website design is "before you start, stop"... Take a look around the web. Find a few sites you like and a few you hate. Look at them. Why do you hate/like them? What exactly is it? Why are some easy to navigate and some hard?
Once you know exactly what makes a good site, you suddenly find its much easier to make your own.
I also fin that using extreme's of colours (such as #FF0000 on #000000 with some other text near it being #00FF00) makes for a nasty looking site. Do a little research on Complimentary colours and colour wheels, etc. Try to pick a colour scheme involving a few colours (maybe no more than 3 or 4) and stick to using them for consistency (maybe vary them slightly for shadow/highlight).
Pick a page template and try to stick to it - that always helps.
Do you know and PHP? If not, I'd advise learning it - it makes templating REALLY easy. You can make one file called "header.php" and include that in all pages and it will mean every page has the same header. VERY usefull if you want to change something in the header or navigation (if thats in the header).
A lot of this I learned while I was going along. My current site is about the 9th incarnation of it, while the new one I'm working on (after learning a LOT more about design, etc) is the 10th...
Stick at it - but next time you ask people for their opinion on your site, you might want to be more prepared to take the rough with the smooth