IanM: Thanks for your reply, it was quite helpful. I appreciate it
Now on to my reply to your reply:
Quote: "Firstly, it is entirely possible to embed Python within a dll, and so call it from DB (with darkmatter) or DBPro."
Ah, so you can call DLLs from within DB (note: by "DB" I just mean "some variant of DarkBASIC or DarkBASIC Pro") - I did not know that. My knowledge of computers and programming goes suddenly fuzzy in regards to DLLs - I'll have to do some more research there, I guess
But good to know, as that would certainly solve that problem.
Quote: "Calling a Python function would then be easy, but having Python iteract directly with the DBPro runtime would be a bit harder."
Excellant on the first part, and that certainly takes care of most of the issues related to Python. But if I wanted Python to call something in DB, I guess a kind of callback function could be rigged...it's just a more round-about way of doing it. Seems like it would be good enough to work, so that's cool.
Quote: "Just please don't ask me to do it for you ... although it might be fun for me to learn yet another language
LOL, I know what you mean
But of course I never ask people to do my work for me...however if someone has already done it, I'd love to be able to take advantage of that and get on with solving something that hasn't been so solved
On the profiler:
Interesting, and just what I would expect - not available yet, but enough people are begining to have a need for it that it's only a matter of time for something similar to be worked out. The level of interaction and support from the devs is greatly encouraging, so the likelyhood of sufficient interaction between outside pioneers and devs to bring it about seems pretty good. Excellant
Very informative, and thanks alot for your help.
I wonder though, has anyone already done this sort of thing - that is, using Python with DB, or just some similar level of advanced scripting?
Finally, is there some place which records a kind of "history of DB and it's community" - I'd like to know how long all this has been going on and such, to try to gauge the level of "maturity" of developments and such? That way I'd be less likely to think trivial things - relative to the level of development of DB and the community - haven't been done yet, or expect things to have been done already that are way too advanced or involved to reasonably expect.
"My house has a 3D interface. I'm constantly losing crap, running into things, and it's always a mess."