I think the programs in C++ should run fine. I made a crappy c++ code thing and it works fine. If C++ did not run on your windows machine then something is really wrong.
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
char end = 'y';
while (end == 'y')
int pick;
char start;
cout << "************************************ \n";
cout << "ReadMe X\n";
cout << "Any thing in this read me file you have to follow for my programs\n";
cout << "Version-1.0\n\n\n\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Push s to begin the program\n";
cin >> start;
if (start == 's')
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "Pick A number on the list for the rules\n";
cout << "1-Licence\n" << "2-ReadMe\n" << "3-Upcoming Software\n";
cout << "Picked Number-";
cin >> pick;
cout << "\n";
switch (pick)
case 1:
cout << "All programs that are made by Nick should be\n";
cout << "treated reponsiblely, that means no changing the code\n";
cout << "or messing it up in any way. You may distribute the\n";
cout << "programs in any way you want to, even selling them if you want, but\n";
cout << "you have to include ReadMe X with all of them, which is\n";
cout << "this thing you are reading now.";
case 2:
cout << "I hope you enjoy the programs I make. All programs Credits\n";
case 3:
cout << "ds";
if (pick >= 4)
cout << "That is not on the list pick again\n";
cout << "\n\n\n\n" << "Push y to continue, other wise any other key to quit\n";
cin >> end;
return 0;
I bet the demo version is a old beta version of pro.