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FPSC Classic Models and Media / My first attempt at importing a model.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2005 22:58

I got very motivated today and decided to try and import a model into FPSC using this tutorial. (Well Written)

Here is my story.

I start off by going to Turbo Squid and downloaded a free model. I then converted the .3ds file ( to an .x file using 'DBConv.exe'. After converting, I proceeded to edit a .FPE from the entitybank.

I had 3 files now.
1. .Jpg for texture
2. .x file
3. Edited .FPE file

After placing the files in entitybank\user\church and running FPSC all I can see is my Church folder but none of the files. Any thoughts? Let me know what code you need to see so I can post it here. Thank you very much for your help.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2005 23:46
You didn't put the picture of the church in the folder so it doesn't appear. That is what I think is the case.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 00:37

I did place a 64x64bmp in the entitybank folder with the FPE file and other files. Is that what you ment? But it was a picture of a toilet. Does the bmp and FPE link together some how? Thank you for your thoughts.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 01:10

I'm getting closer. I did everything the same except I used a different .FPE file. 1 problem I have is instead of the FPSC using the provided bmp file it uses the brain in a jar icon. I also could use some guidance on scale. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 02:01
to change the size of your model in the .FPE file use the "scale command"

scale = x (x represents the number of size: 1 being small, 100 and up being large).

The little brain thing in a jar means that you don't have a thumbnail for it. If you did get a thumbnail, then it means it dosn't have the same name as the .fpe file. this is vital to FPSC understanding that you want to use the bitmap as it's thumbnail.
Hope this helps,

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 02:30

Thank you for the reply. Where in the FPE would I place the scale command. After ;orientation or ;visualinfo . Thank you for your help.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 02:39
you can only use the scale commarnd if you are editing the corrct FPE file type, eg. if its a wall item you can not re-scale, try a crete FPE they work.

now change the JPEG file to a TGA file or when you load into the game engine you will see the model but with no texture, oh and if that doesn't work then you will need to re-uv map the new model. more on that if needed

cheers, city pack 1 out soon
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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 02:46

Thank you for the reply. I'll try a crate file next. Thank you for the information.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 02:52

I looked into the Crate FPE files and none had the Scale command included in them. Do I need to input the command with the Crate FPE? If so where do I need to insert the command? Thank you for your help.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 03:58
Scale works as a percentage, so 'scale = 100' means 100% of the original mesh size, or in other words it leaves the scale unchanged. Scale = 50 would reduce the mesh dimensions by half. If you suspect that your model is being loaded, but is so small you can't find it, I would suggest 'scale = 500' as a starting point.

Typically the scale command appears in the ;orientation section of the file, after the xyz offset and rotation commands.

I put my own tutorial together a while back, it might give you some useful info...

Stick at it, you'll get there eventually and there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your own model loaded into a FPSC level
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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 04:42

Thank you for the advice. I have over come all mentioned problems. Thanks to everyone who shared thier information. 1 last problem. LOL my model wants to hover above the ground. Any thoughts?

@GPS Thank you for the Banister.

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 18:52
Make sure when you save your model as a .X file in your modeler, that you have the object located at 0 for the X axis and 0 for the Y axis; then eyeball it to get the bottom of the object at 0 for the Z axis.


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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 19:37
One other note is that if you get the object positioned correctly in your modeler and then change the scale in the FPE, it might not end up where you want it in level. In other words, if you have the model at the correct height in your modeler for the size and it appears correctly in FPSC, then you change the scale to say, 300%, your model may fall through the floor on level entry.

The scale option is handy, but sometimes it's easier to just scale it in your modeler. At least that's what I've found.


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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 19:42 Edited at: 29th Dec 2005 19:44

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Not sure if that applies. I never have it in a modeler it is a download from turbo squid, all I do is convert it to .x. Have I miss understood you? Thank you for your help.

Things are looking up. I have most of the models planted to the ground now. I just needed to press enter when placing them in the FPS editor. I do have 1 model that is sinking below ground. I have tried page up and get it above ground but it will not let me place it in the editor then. Any thoughts? Thank you for the help.

PS. How many FPE file types are there and how can I dentify the difference between them?

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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 19:48

Thank you for the information. I made my previous post after you had posted this new information. Your right, It did place correctly before I re-scaled it. Thank you for your help.


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Posted: 29th Dec 2005 21:13
That tutorial was very good and helpful, but when I try to put my entity in game it appears error.

Something like: object doesn't exist in line blah blah blah...

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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 06:43

Not sure if this will help. But I found that I had to set the entity to static for it to work. Hope this helps.


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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 03:56
hi all. if a error report is show with mesh dose not exsit make sure that it is in the correct X. file format, and is named correctly then make sure the FPE file you are using has the correct mesh file name and file path.
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2006 03:57
oh sorry to hi-jack your post but my city pack is coming out soon!!!

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