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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Whilst importing DarkMATTER models...

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Location: England, You...Rastards!
Posted: 16th Jan 2006 17:53
Ok, I know how to import models into FPSC, but when I do DarkMATTER models, that's a completely different story together ; Ok, say for example, the Alien Mutant model from DarkMATTER, all imported correctly, done correctly, and everything else...And the as soon as i posistion it in the game, the shadow of the model is there but the model isn't! I need serious help ......

Nick T
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Posted: 16th Jan 2006 17:56
ther's something 'bout that in the fps manual, i think you have to animate them urself. maybe use charachter sop if uve got it.
dont quote me on this, i sugest u use the manual cos im not xperienced, i just got fpsc recently and therefore have read the manual recently
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Posted: 16th Jan 2006 21:03
The DarkMatter characters uses limb animation, so it's not FPSC compatible... for the 1000th time...

Nobody can ear you scream ... you're on a forum!
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Location: England, You...Rastards!
Posted: 16th Jan 2006 22:43
Aww dude Eh oh well Got a better idea anywayz ...

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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 22:48
oh so THATS why!

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