This is my wip for the shmup horizontal scroller compo.
I still have many enemies, explosions and textures to add. I'm probably around 15% complete.
You can download the wip demo installer here (with uninstaller)-->
or the .zip file here -->
If you experience sustained FPS rate below 60, please let me know what your low FPS was and what your system specs are.
I have noticed a 12 fps slowdown when many enemies are on the screen and lots of bullets flying, so I'm likely going to switch to Sparky's dll and see if that keeps the framerate up.
Note: when asked if you want use the default screen mode or configure manually, tell it you want to configure manually. 800x600x16 fullscreen is recommended. A graphical setup screen will be added later.
Note: gamepad is recommended, but you can also use arrows to move, ctrl to move faster, and shift for primary weapon.
Note: when you destroy things, they come back at random positions. This is not going to be normal behavior for the final game, just the way it works now for testing. Also you are restricted between coord 1000 and coord 7000.