we have a computer at work that we are probably going to toss.
so i was thinking maybe i could snap some usefull hardware from it
currently my brother have a Geforce4 MX420 and no soundcard.
the computer we are going to toss have a Geforce2 GTS and a 5.1 soundcard.
so i am quite sure about the soundcard part, but not so sure about the video card.
his computer support AGP8x and i guess the Geforce2 isn't more than AGP4x so that wont be a problem. the reason why i am unsure is this:
could it be worth upgrading/degrading to a Geforce2 card when it, (yeah slower i know, or is it?) support Pixel Shader, so he could play games with better graphics. but it will probably not run faster :/
his spec is this: AMD Sempron 2200+ with 256mb Ram.
so what would you guys do? i have allready searched google for an answer but it gives me two different tables with different information in each, like in one table it might say 'memory clock' while in the other it says 'memory bandwith' and the Geforce4 have 3k while the geforce2 have 6k :/ so im really not sure if i follow the tables right..
any advice?
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