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FPSC Classic Models and Media / El Alemain Model Pack, what do you want?

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 17th Jan 2006 08:57
I'm taking 'orders' for what should be in my WWII expansion pack, "El Alemain".

This model pack will be full of segments, entities and re-textured characters to represent the North Africa campaign.

I just wondered if there's anything you would to see in here,

P.S: You wil be able to us this commercially but only if you credit me it the game. Yes, i will charge for these model packs.
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 17th Jan 2006 14:48
how about a ww2 shotgun? or maybe some chinese people...or how about more hitler stuff?

The funky fresh is back in the flesh with vengence homes!
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Posted: 17th Jan 2006 16:31 Edited at: 18th Jan 2006 13:40
Chinese people? El Alamein?

Am I missing something or was that not an Afrika Korps vs Britsh tank battle jobby in Northern Africa?

Chinese people?

In that case Id say, tanks, downed planes, sand (hehe) , dunes, mudbrick buildings, more burnt out tanks, and a host of characters. Nazi, British, and native tribesmen

DAB Studios
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Posted: 17th Jan 2006 23:02
Um.....Rommel is the Desert Fox so he was in charge of the Afrika Korps vs the British and Montgomery. Anyway it would be nice to see these.

a 88mm Flak Gun
Some Italian Tanks, guns, and characters would be neat.
The Bren for British and a Beretta submachine gune or Breda machine gun for Italians
Chris D
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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 11:29
How about some palm trees.
Evil Star
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 14:24
how about a silenced pistol of somekind?

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