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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Flamethrower weapon

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Joined: 27th Nov 2005
Location: Dunna
Posted: 18th Jan 2006 03:49
Does anyone have a model / can make a flamthrower ?
Just One Old Man
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Joined: 10th Oct 2005
Location: Walking the streets of Soho in the rain
Posted: 18th Jan 2006 05:03
Because of the design of FPSC, there are inherent problems with presenting a believable flamethrower. My partner and I have discussed the feasability, and the main problem is the animation of a reasonable flame. Wielding and animation of the equipment is easy enough, but without use of a particle editor the flame animation would look......cheesy.

The engine could be modified to accomodate the particle system, but would it be worth the trouble? Just my 13 cents...

The other night I was staring up at the stars, wrapped in thought and wondering............where the hell did my roof go?

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