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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Possible make big level in *.x and transfer it in fpsc

Mr Sunshine
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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 04:45
Hello guys does anybody know is it possible to make an entire level in different program and transfer it as *.x and one texture in to fpsc? Is fpsc going to undestand x file as a level or not? I am taking about collision and stuff.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 02:31 Edited at: 19th Jan 2006 02:32
Yes, but don't make too small parts, because the collisions will not be really good...

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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 21:03
I find that it doesn't work because once you go outside the 40x40x20 box, FPSC can't load it.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 21:26
it will work, but i would not make it bigger than 40x40...

and also, i find that fpsc seems to do collision better if the object isnt scaled in fpsc...

maybe im wrong about that, but thats what i ve tested and it seems to be the answer.

Mr Sunshine
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 23:15 Edited at: 19th Jan 2006 23:17
40x40x20 thats to small for level right? Cause guys i just found out from my own expirience that 3dworldstudio v5.31 EA is not good cause it makes levels so huge on normal basis and on minimize grid it stills make it to large shoot i so dissapointed cause i was about combine X level with fpsc segments but look like it is hard or possible but you need to resize your level . x file before importing it to the fpsc level editor. Thanks for response, and as again for those who is looking to buy 3dworld EA v 5.31 i just would like to let know that its doesnot support proporties of the object such as width,height ,etc... so you need scale visually from the beginning which is kind of impossable for my eyes cause i cant be perfect on that without testing that out in fpsc. 3D world not really good or very difficult to use if you are planning to build some levels with it in fpsc.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 06:26
I wouldn't anyways. The bigger/more intricicate the models you use the slower FPSC (and your games) run. I imported a subway station model and it just kept crashing. I don't think it can be done.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2006 18:52
Does any one know of a program I can use?

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