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FPSC Classic Models and Media / quality over quantity

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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 09:03 Edited at: 18th Jan 2006 09:15
WOW some people need to think before they do dumb stuff lets have a look at city model pack.
this is to show people how to spot a rip off model.

ok lets start with small car

his car texture on the left dm on the right
lets see hmm look at the back window and the name on the car db 750 lol thinks that stands for need to show you the car both have a poly count of 782.

wall and ground texture time.

on the left city model pack on the right dm pack.
sad part is the textures have the same name.and most of the textures have a watermarking or marking from the web page he stole them from.after going to the web page i found out that most of the textures were not free but samples to look at .

most of us know of psionics web page.
lets have a look at his gun.first the texture on the left is the texture from the city model pack on the right is psionics.both textures fit both guns.

now the looks the same to me O hold on i can see were he added a vertice or 2 to try to give it a dif polycount and say he made it sorry don't think so.and the uv mapping is the same on both guns.

Audi time lets jump past the texture and get to the good stuff both cars side by both cars on top of each ourther the odd part is all he did was put a top on the car and try to hide the tires. why model the in side of a car if your not going to show it. the texture for the car is not transparent so you cant see through the window.

this is just some of the stuff in the model pack if you open most of the models up in your modeling prog you will see that the mat name for the model is not the mat he has for it. i was able to find some of the real mats and they fit like a glove.lots of models from 3d calf turbo squid and dark matter.

just because you add a few vertices or triangles or give it a new mat don't give you the right to sell a model or give it away and say it is yours.
key things to rem it you did not make the model or texture better think twice before selling it .there were models in this pack that had no texture.a lot of the models were highpoly and were not set up for use in the fpsc editor.pluss models on the list of models in the pack that were not there.

o yea and here is his licence agreement. Welcome and thank you for purchasing "City pack 1".

First the nasty bit, the licence agreement……well as promised there is………only one condition, that is you must have purchased this pack yourself to use it, if you have not purchased this pack from ------------------- please deleat it now.

If however you have purchased it then the licence agreement is this......


Yep, that’s right none, ziP, nada.

All media, materials, meshes included wiithin City pack 1 are licence free. You may use any or all items as you wish with no need to mention us or our website.

if your going to make a model pack REM quality over quantity.and make sure it works with the program your trying to sell it for.

let he who is with out sin cast the first stone.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 16:53
Very thorough post. Hopefully it will help curb any future 'endeavors'. This can also help others to spot illegal items out there. Unfortunately this episode also makes people a bit hesitant to buy legitimate model packs. This is not new, it happens all over the net all the time. I'm pretty sure there is someone out there right now collecting my free models to become part of a 'pack'. Unless I find out about it, there's not much I can do about it; I just hope some people have gotten some good use out of them.


"Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them".
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Posted: 18th Jan 2006 18:57 Edited at: 18th Jan 2006 19:08
Busted! I find it's almost easier to start from scratch rather than take something already made and change it to try and fool people. Especially if you're going to charge money for it. You ain't gonna fool DOMRAY, apparently.

Please don't ruin it for those of us who DO make legitimate products --there's talk of banning them altogether.

Hey I know, maybe you could have a service where you charge for a simple look over of someone's media to make sure it's "DOMRAY approved" before they can sell it here.


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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 01:28 Edited at: 19th Jan 2006 01:41
i love model packs i see Keith c Post his work all over the net on pisinoc forms and game space and it is amazing to see how the skill of his work evolves over time.sinistar has amazing work as will always have a rotten apple in the bunch .as of banning model packs that is something i do not want to see.having some type of approval before selling them that is something to think about.i just hate to see sum bum ruin it for the future artists out there trying to get what they deserve for their hard work.the Post above was not made in the hope that they will ban model packs but to show people that if you think your going clone a model and rip people off around here you better pack your stuff and move on.

ps ty for the Avatar

let he who is with out sin cast the first stone.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 01:48

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