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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Fragmotion question

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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 05:29
I'm animating a trench shovel and a few other weapons in fragmotion, but how do I export it out again?
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 07:53
Nevermind I figured it out, totally an idiot. New question. How do I move my object to save it with the keyframe? I'm sliding my keyframe ahead, moving the mesh, then pressing the keyframe but nothing happens. Please help me!
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 08:14
I think you need to attach the object to a bone and animate the bone, even if its moving one whole object.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 08:15
Ok I got that far, now new question. I have my weapon loaded up in FPSC, I've changed the hud and performed the correct animations according to theirs (at different parts of the animation), changed all the weapons so it looks normal but I still don't see anything!! what's wrong?
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Posted: 19th Jan 2006 11:00 Edited at: 19th Jan 2006 11:02
Currently there is a bug in Fragmotions X export. The animationsa are inverted Left to Right, but still get imported into FPSC fine, just inverted.

If your weapon if working fine, just that you can't see it - a couple of things to take not off before exporting.

1. Size of your weapon. It maybe too large or too small. Merge an existing FPSC weapon to compare sizes and try adjusting accordingly.

2. Postion of your weapon. The point your weapon attaches to the player is taken from the world coordinates and not the bone position. This means, your weapon will appear offset from the centre of the grid in Fragmotion. To position your weapon. Select group, select the weapon, use Move(mesh commands) or M to position your weapon. You don't have to reposition the bones and keyframes. It still is not accurate, and you will have to try a few times to get it right. Don't forget the left/right flipping bug.

Here's a shot of mine in Fragmotion. Based on the Assault weapon.

And here's what that translates to in game (player weapon not enemy).
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 06:24
Thanks I'll try it now
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 07:54
Awesome! You are right, it worked. But the animations aren't lining up correctly. Tell me if this is right?

1-12 is the loading sequence

13-55 is the walking sequence

56-65 is the shooting

and 65-112 is the reload
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 12:49
Each weapon has its own set of animations. What frames are used is dependant on the gunspec.txt.
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 18:20
What I don't understand is why FPSC won't use them still. I can now see my gun in game. It pops up. But none of the hud animations work. I graphed them out perfectly to what they were in the gunspec, and adjusted for invertion.
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 19:53 Edited at: 20th Jan 2006 19:54
Just try some making some short animations for each thing. Then edit the gunspec to follow yours. You don't have to follow whats in the gunspec.

Heres mine.

Of course these are really short, so the animation is fast and bobbin around everywhere,it was just a quickie, but works.
By the way, what weapon gunspec are you using?
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 05:46
I was using the autogun, just like you had. I still can't get it up. The gun shows, but the animation won't work. I'm gonna email you the files to see what you think
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Posted: 24th Jan 2006 10:34
Cool. Will take a look.

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