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FPSC Classic Models and Media / can u make a tv with a short looping video on the screen?

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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 16:19
can u make a tv with a short looping video on the screen?
if you already have made one, can you tell me how to do?


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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 18:54
In a

I'd certainly like to do the same thing but FPSC can't handle animated textures and converting .avi into .tga will produce a new image for each frame so you'll end up with about 100 .tga files.

Sorry...maybe it could be in V2
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 19:41
okay---thanks anyway
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 20:32
make the animation in the screen and let the other parts be static.

maybe this works?

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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 20:48
you could make a cube with each side textured wit a differnt frame, then in the TV animation, you could flip the cube around


Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 21:21
that would only be six frames worth and normal video runs at 24fps, it would play the same animation 4 times a second

And in scripts, an animation refers to a charcter animation, with bones and weight influences. This is a 2D thing and would only work by textures...except it doesn't work
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 21:42
Yea, but it could be a 24 sided shape for a seconds worth of video


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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 21:47
OK then it needs to be a full TV show.....

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
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Posted: 20th Jan 2006 22:16
You could use a decal to limited effect. Think WW2 fireplace + small fire decal, only what you need is a hollow TV model with a screen decal inside it. The limits are you'll only have 16 frames and they'll play at a fixed (and fairly rapid) pace.

There might be some mileage in the animated model idea though... I'll have to give it a try. I've been looking at ways to do display screens, using particleIllusion SE to create the animation frames, but they run way too fast as decals. If I put half a dozen of them on one wall the player would probably have a seizure looking at them

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