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FPSC Classic Models and Media / Poly reducing in max

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Joined: 23rd Jun 2005
Location: starring into a viewfinder
Posted: 20th Jan 2006 20:10
I'm a total newbie to MAX (except for charactar rigging), and a couple of my models have WAY to many pollies. Is there a way to reduce them?

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Joined: 22nd Jul 2005
Posted: 20th Jan 2006 22:27
use multires to reduce the polys
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Joined: 23rd Jun 2005
Location: starring into a viewfinder
Posted: 20th Jan 2006 23:53 Edited at: 20th Jan 2006 23:54

Your signature has been erased by a mod, because the mod was so jealous of it that he couldnt bare looking at it.

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