I think it's funny that novell would do that
i really don't think it'll work. We all know that Visio and iTunes will never make it to linux.
but if Adobe were to port all their Macromedia applications and Photoshop, would it give them more sells? no, anyone who uses linux and wants to use photoshop, they will have a windows box or dual boot.
So, would it really be worth their time and efforts to get a linux port to their software? no, they wouldn't waste their time, so all this hope to show Adobe that X many people want their software, is completely useless, they have all their marketers over their laughing at all these kids who hope for Photoshop, etc, on linux...
And why would they even put VISIO ON THE LIST? It would honestly KILL microsoft if they started to port any of their software. It's THEIR programs that keep people using Windows, and they know that. (DirectX, MS Office, Visio... etc)
What we need is for Novell to start cloning those programs...