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Joined: 12th Feb 2004
Location: Big Ass Castle
Posted: 6th Feb 2006 22:41
Has anyone ever exported an x file from Miilkshape using DirectX(jt) skin and bones method only to discover when in game the model falls HALF way through the floor? My enemy model in Milkshape is clearly above the origin, but no matter what I do when I experience the model in FPSC after export; it’s halfway in the floor. It’s like the engine senses the wrong area of the model as its base. I've tried everything from modifying the fpe file to deleting the dbo object, scaling etc. It’s happening to all my models now. They are all submerged, some halfway, some just a bit. I can't seem to put my finger on what I could have done wrong all of a sudden. A week ago they were importing normally. I've even re-installed. They still do it. Does anyone have the faintest idea on what could be happening here?

Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 00:53
Hmmm I had the same problem. In one test, the models worked fine. I was exporting them from Maya, however. Then, a week later I used the same models for another test and they were stuck half-way in the ground. In Maya they are, just as you say, on the right level.

Is it a bug? or are we doing something wrong? Why would it work right the first time, and then screw up?

I didn't edit the models, nor did I change the scripting.

I exported the models again, and some of them worked. Three of the five encountered the same problem. Two worked fine. I couldnt figure it out.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 01:14
i had this prob but fixed it,i think u have to change the position scaling to 1

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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 06:08 Edited at: 7th Feb 2006 06:12
Well after many hours of "WTF" I finally figured out what was going on with this "half a model going through the floor syndrome".

It appears that if your using Milkshape and the DirectX(jt)exporter, with the skin and bones option selected, Your first joint in your skeleton is origin 0,0,0 once imported into FPSC.....Nice huh? If your first joint is in the middle of the torso of your model, thats 0,0,0 in FPSC, and FPSC treats 0,0,0 as the base of the model apparently, thus half the body in the ground.

So, I re-bone my model with the first bone being at the feet of the model, import it and its now standing correctly.....wait for it......but now the hit area which registers hits from a gun on my enemy only extends from the floor to about the crotch. Everything above that is invincible. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I swear making a game in this thing is like building a basketball court with toothpicks and NO GLUE! Now what?

Edit: It seems no matter what model I import, the hit box is the same size, no matter what size I scale the model to.....


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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 16:27
maybe i have an idea.... i dont know if it works but maybe you must place the skeleton above the floor... ? :-|


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