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eddie the trooper
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Joined: 9th Feb 2006
Posted: 9th Feb 2006 11:24
Hi, my name is Didier and i live in France (sorry for my poor english) where FPSC is now available. I try to use FPSC and understand its working. So, I create some signs with DECAL MAKER and use .FPS files from others signs download in this forum. When I use my sign in FPSC, they appears always on the floor and not on the wall. I can't put then on the wall. I dont undestand why because I use .FPE files for wall's signs and modify the name of the sign and the texture name of the sign. Can you help me.
Thanks and have a nice day all around the world.

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Location: In your closet.
Posted: 9th Feb 2006 20:55
use 1-6 to rotate your sign to make it face the right way and use the "page up" and" page down" keys to move your sign up and down

I hate sigs
eddie the trooper
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Joined: 9th Feb 2006
Posted: 9th Feb 2006 23:20
thank a lot "someonerules". It's perfect.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2006 11:19
where can I get the "decal maker" it sounds good,
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Posted: 10th Feb 2006 12:01
Quote: "where can I get the "decal maker" it sounds good,

A decal is a flat image such as the fire. They are rotated what ever way a player faces to make them look 3d. But I would go with making your own 3d versions if you want some thing better.
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Joined: 7th Dec 2005
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 10th Feb 2006 20:43
Try to get Signs from somewhere.
its better its designed to make signs and its also exporting everything in the right format inmediantly into FPS Creator.

look there for all my model packs latest updtes and other stuff!
(its not old yet)

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