Does anyone use Cakewalk? I'm having some weird issue with it. Whenever I use the DXi instruments, everything comes in sounding "wobbly." Like, some strange chorus delay. Even when I turn the chorus, reverb, and delay all of the way down, it still happens. My sound card is a 24-bit 5.1 Sound Blaster Audigy LS... but I don't think it's a card issue because this worked fine as recently as two weeks ago. Any ideas?
Also, does anyone know of a
really good source for FREE royalty free music that doesn't suck? I need about five or six hard-hitting fast-tempo'd techno-ish songs for a new project I'm currently developing. Everyone charges for techno, and most of it isn't nearly worth the costs they're asking for (not that I could afford it anyway). At any rate, any help here would be cool
"Hell is an Irish Pub where it's St. Patrick's Day all of the time." ~ Christopher, *The Soprano's*