It sounds like Microsoft originally asked for the domain name to be taked down. If Mike Rowe only asked for more money, he can not be held acountable for extortion. It was but a propsition, doomed to fail, but still a proposition. Now, if M$ paid someone to say that the name was in violation of their trademark (I say paid because there is more then just phenetics when dealing with TMed names/phrases) and produced documents saying that he HAD to remove the domain, and then he said no, pay me money, then he probally had commited some criminal act.
The IE7 domain is in complete violation, however. It is purposly using the name of the software as it's url. And unlike MikeRowSoft, it is spelled both phenitically and phsically the same. If MS finds out, it will go down. Besides, Microsoft extorts all the judges anyways.
Merranvo Nunticaelitusphobic (Scared of Internet)
Noob Justice League, Cause We Have More Fun
Support Merra XJ9, cause the name is cooler.