good for Walaber, he was pretty talented, even his physics demos for the wrapper where well made, no basic primitives and crud, he used models and scenes to demonstrate, attention to detail normaly pays off in my experience, if you can`t be bothered with the detail then all you ever end up with is a box on a matrix (like me
), not that a box on a matrix is a "bad thing" (tm), placeholders are a good idea during development, but you need more than that if you want the world to beat a path to your door, looks like Walaber is on the verge on acceptance as a serious (as in employable based on his track record) coder.
edit: I say that cos headlining as the main free game on a coverdisk is more than most people manage, and the magazine put him in the box alongside the commercial demos, that bodes well, they must think it`s of comparable quality.
if you listen you can hear the inter-dimensional zombies calling.....branes, branes......